16 Feb 17 16. February 2017 Leica M10 – just an overpriced hardware update? Still a 24MP sensor, 3 buttons instead of 5 for operation, still the same dial on the... Hardware
20 Sep 15 September 20, 2015 New on my desk: Eizo CS270 Actually, it all started quite harmlessly: a friendly email from an Eizo employee asked me if I would… Hardware
13 Sep 14 September 13, 2014 New work by Paul Ripke: 2013 There is a new book by Paul Ripke with the meaningful title “2013”, but the one with the PR… Inspiration
07 Aug. 14 August 7, 2014 Book Review: "Image Warriors" A book by photographers and with photographers - very instructive and not a word about exposure times, apertures or... Hardware
30 Jul 12 July 30, 2012 Lumix G5 – the camera for professionals and housewives? If you, as a mere mortal, have the chance to get your hands on a pre-production camera and try it out before... Hardware
16 Nov. 11 16 November 2011 1/2 CTO can work wonders for flashing On Sunday, 7 curious photographers gathered near the Altona train station to listen to my comments on… Workshops
10 Jun 11 June 10, 2011 DVD presentation: Language of Light Yes, I admit it: I'm addicted to Joe McNally. About 40% of my knowledge about flashing… Hardware
31 Never 11 31 Maj 2011 In the mirrorless land of megapixel cars When I received an invitation from Panasonic to test a new camera a few weeks ago, I asked... Hardware
21 Sep 10 September 21, 2010 Portfolio Review with Bill Frakes Photokina begins today. THE event for everyone interested in photography. Luckily I manage to do it on... Series of pictures On Our Own Behalf