23 July 19 July 23, 2019 Photo campaign at the season opening On Sunday I had the great task of being part of the season opening at FC St. Pauli. How… Events
18 July 19 July 18, 2019 New jersey, new cabin Even if there is hardly anything new in terms of official announcements since the introduction of international sales channels, the… Events FC St. Pauli
13 July 19 July 13, 2019 Millerntor Gallery #9 – missed opportunities There is hardly a better opportunity to talk to people from different cultures and exchange ideas than... Events
25 June 19 June 25, 2019 First German Street Photography Festival The first German Street Photography Festival took place in Hamburg from June 21st to 23rd, 2019. In addition to a… Events Street
04 July 18 July 4, 2018 Millerntor Gallery #8 starts… Tomorrow it starts again: the 8th edition of the Millerntor Gallery. It turned out very nice again. From… Events
09 June 18 June 9, 2018 The 8th edition of the Millerntor Gallery is in the starting blocks It's almost that time again: the 8th edition of the Millerntor Gallery is coming to the FC St. stadium... Events
25 Oct. 17 25 October 2017 Cinestill 800T applied as Lightroom preset Without wanting to overwhelm you, these are two blog posts in one: football and technology. Clearly, it… Events Software
23 Aug. 17 August 23, 2017 1st eCart World Championship for Viva con Agua How much fun can you actually have in an hour and still point out something good? The… Events
24 Feb. 17 24. February 2017 What you missed last night... Last night my friend Stefan gave birth to a new music baby and had a great event in... Series of pictures Events
19 Sep. 16 September 19, 2016 Your picture as art in the crew cabin Philipp Heerwagen has a great idea and I can help implement it. Become part of a unique work of art &... Events