"We cannot import what we have with Leica," Henri Cartier-Bresson (according to tradition) said. "With the Leica you can do anything." With its M11, Leica has come two steps closer to this goal - which is harder to achieve in the digital age. I have had extensive time to try out the camera as part of a beta test since the end of August 2021. You can find the technical data presented in a wide variety of ways and in detail by others.
My aim is to describe the feeling of taking photos with this camera. Here is my experience report on the Leica M11, which does not come without technical information. But I'll limit myself to the essentials. There are a lot of innovations under the hood in the new rangefinder camera. These work and I don't need to go into detail about them. I took 99% of my photos using the automatic shutter speed & ISO. What is important are the eye-catching and outstanding innovations that make it a real relief to use.
A benefit - at least in the black model - is the use of aluminum instead Magnesium Brass in the housing cover. The weight saving of around 110g is noticeable and welcome. After four months I don't see any unusual signs of wear and tear.
The 60MP sensor of the Leica M11
Surprising to me: the improvements are achieved not despite, but because of the new 60MP sensor. I was initially critical of what this increased pixel density meant for the older lenses. After all, one of Leica's strengths is that I can use all lenses since the M3 was introduced in 1954.
In any case, my 75mm Summilux from 1987 still retains the wonderful drawing that owners of this lens love. In addition, it always depends on what impression I want to achieve with my pictures.
I see the 60MP as an opportunity to save on a lens and at the same time to get closer to your own viewing habits. This became clear to me when I stood in front of the Elphi as the sun rose. I "only" had my 50mm Nocti with me when I saw a woman in one of the windows of the hotel there. My eye focused on this situation crystal clear. The 50mm, however, focused on the entire Elphi. In post-processing, I was then able to bring my perception into harmony with the shot very easily. The power of 60MP.
The sensor performs surprisingly well even at night. This is not necessarily the main application of a 60MP sensor. That's why Leica offers the option of using RAWs in lower resolution. I couldn't notice any better noise behavior or dynamic range. In my experience, it's best to use the largest resolution. In case of doubt, special programs in post-production get more out of it than the chip in the camera.
Extension of shutter speeds through electronic shutter
A crystal clear advantage is the new shutter and photography beyond 1/4000s. Finally I save my Nocti the permanent wearing of a gray filter. Initially, however, it is extremely irritating when the camera makes no shutter sound at all. During one of the first test shots of the recently sent body, I suspected a technical defect. Only when I pressed the play button did I see numerous images. The electronic shutter is a welcome addition to the rangefinder camera.
However, Leica does not give the viewfinder display any additional digits. If I use exposure times from 1/10000s, the last zero flashes. The difference between 1/1000s and a 1/10000s is not clear at first glance. This will soon no longer play a role in everyday life.
The readout speed of the new sensor is so fast that even moving objects are exceptionally rarely displayed distorted. This technically-related, unpleasant side effect of an electronic shutter does not have to hold you back from using the Leica M11 to its full range of capabilities.
Operating the Leica M11
The shutter allows for so many new exposure times that it is a bit unusual to use. If you want full control over the exposure time used outside of the usual 8s to 1/4000s, you have to set the dial on top of the Leica M11 to B. "B" actually stands for bulb. On the new Leica, this dial position allows you to set all times between 60 minutes and 1/16000s via the touchscreen.
The touchscreen in general: new and comfortable for M users; Well known for users of the SL2 series. And that's good. I love the touchscreen on my SL2 and SL2s because I can change the most important settings very quickly. Leica can really do UI. With no other camera brand do I feel like photographers design the menu. Even with the many new features of the Leica M11, the menu doesn't seem overloaded. And the functions are not hidden behind cryptic names or abbreviations.
And otherwise?
The Leica M11 now has internal memory. This is practical if you have packed an SD card that is too small or even forgotten it. Access to the internal memory is not yet optimally solved. Over the course of the firmware iterations that I was able to experience, the Leica development team did a great job. I am therefore very sure that this will continue to improve soon.
Further innovations bring great relief. For example, the USB-C port, which allows me to charge the camera practically anywhere. Since even my car now has several USB-C ports, I can practically get by with one battery. This allows you to take photos for a very long time regardless of changing the battery. The quick battery change mechanism that I have grown fond of in my SL2 series cameras and adopted in the Leica M11 is rarely used.
I can write positive things about the Leica M11. It is the right step towards a modern rangefinder camera. It retains the advantages of the rangefinder system and expands them with current technology. Unfortunately I have to get the Leica M11 again send back...
You are and will remain a fascinatingly good photographer. If I could see how you see… Thanks for the great report. I treated myself to an upgrade after 5 years and feel confirmed by your blog post that I didn't do anything wrong. I'll be happy when my M11 arrives soon. LG
Thank you so much for your great words that make me blush - you are the photographer who always inspires and drives me.
The M11 will shine in your hand. Congratulations on your decision!
Very nice and inspiring report. After countless experiences in internships and Canon, I've been traveling with an M11 since yesterday 🙂
Thanks and congratulations! Have fun in the Leica world…
Is it even possible to focus pixel-sharply at 61MP with a rangefinder and hands-free?
The Leica M has always been popular for photojournalism and artistic street photography. Both require quick work. Not necessarily huge resolution, but if you have it, you want to use it.
Let's take a classic Summicron 2/35 on the M11 and, for example, the Sigma 2/35 DG DN with autofocus or the manual Voigtländer 2/35 Apo-Lanthar on the Sony A7R4, which has the same sensor as the Leica. With the Sony, can't I get a more practical tool today for far less than half the price?
I hope you can see from the pictures that focusing is not the problem. In my opinion, there is no better tool for manual focusing than the Leica M cameras.
My report is not a comparison test: I don't know what the Sony can do. But I know that the colors of a Leica are significantly better than those of a Sony. And with short focal lengths I don't see any serious advantage of an autofocus camera. Of course it looks different at long focal lengths and that's what it says in the text 🙂