After what felt like a week of rain, hail and cloudy weather in Hamburg, the sky cleared in the late afternoon on Sunday. Not a good time to relax and enjoy your coffee on the sofa. I was just about to go alone and with a camera when my buddy got in touch Bjørn. So two of us and two cameras go. Down to the harbor, like dozens of others. Everyone wanted to soak up a little evening sun.
We had a lot of fun together. We were on the road for an hour and a half. I only had the 50 with me. It was a good choice, I think.
I like 50mm as a focal length. Everything looks so natural. And in these lighting conditions it is also helpful that a Leica SL2 can also work with an exposure time of 1/40000s. Holding the camera directly into the evening sun can be challenging. Also because the ability to see something in the viewfinder is severely limited. But the viewfinder of the Leica SL2 is good. And so is the Summilux-SL 50mm. In any case, I was able to take all pictures with the aperture wide open. It wasn't necessary, but it was still fun. It highlights the wonderful drawing of the lens.
The rest is a bit of luck. For example with the weather. Evening sun on a Sunday Late afternoon in Hamburg actually means a lot of luck.
Lieber Stefan,
a brilliant picture! Simply great.
LG Bernhard
Thank you!
Well, the mood comes across very well and 50mm is never a bad choice anyway. Did your Nifty Pana Fifty ( move out again for the variant from Wetzlar?
Thanks! And if you read the latest post ( reads, you also know what will happen to the Pana Fifty soon :)
Thanks – the answer didn’t have to be so detailed 😉 But it was very well put together; small but subtle differences that are not noticeable on normal consumption (on a smartphone) screen. With large prints you can see this...
This is what it looks like 🙂