Covid-19 notice in the Corona warning app Covid-19 notice in the Corona warning app

Officially negative

Covid-19 is on everyone’s lips. Bad pun. Friday evening at 22:30 p.m. I updated the Corona warning app and was shocked: everything was red! And that despite the fact that I am very careful when dealing with other people. I wear the mask, keep my distance, I know how Washing your hands works. I owe it not only to my customers, but also to my loved one Solo self-employed.

Covid-19 warning in the Corona warning app

Using the information in the Corona warning app, I was then able to quickly understand the time of the risky encounter. It had to be on the Train ride to the blind football final happened to Magdeburg. I was particularly careful when choosing my seat.

Well, it doesn't matter where I got the Covid-19 warning from - what's more important is how I can keep myself and those close to me safe. There are three contacts in the warning app: the family doctor, the health department and 116117. It was clear to me that I would no longer be able to reach anyone there on Friday evening. I googled it briefly - it's true: apart from 116117, everything can only be reached again on Monday. I briefly thought about the Saturday holiday in Hamburg. And then I first listened to myself: Do I even have any symptoms? No. But does that matter? I remembered the story of Maciej, my workshop leader in India a few years ago, who recently took a rapid test at the airport to lead his next workshop and then tested positive without symptoms.

The next morning I tried it first with little effort. Maybe I can get a rapid test at the pharmacy? But there are no rapid tests available in pharmacies in Hamburg (yet) – the friendly emergency pharmacist tells me. Sure, you can get everything online, but it's not quick. The recommendation to call the DRK leads nowhere because the phone is not open on weekends.

“Hang up now!”

So I try 116117. A voice computer guides you through the program. Just before you can speak to a real person, you hear the clear announcement "Hang up now" in a firm tone. That gives you an idea of ​​how many calls are coming in at the moment. So instead of a real person at 116117, I got a reference to the number that is valid specifically for Hamburg. Of course, I didn't remember that so quickly, but I did remember the name of the place that I should call as a Hamburg resident.

Hamburg has a Corona hotline run by the health authority, which can be easily reached by telephone during normal business hours and on weekends. The lady on the phone was also very friendly and the conversation was very short: if the message in the Corona warning app is red, please go to the test center at the main train station. Everything is there too here on the city of Hamburg website, but not in the Corona warning app. Old rule: if you know what to look for, you'll find it.

Anyway, I then cycled to the Covid-19 test center at the main train station. Because I was afraid of long lines, I even took my mobile stool with me from use on the sidelines. The center is designed for a large crowd and takes you carefully through an unadorned tent. But the rush wasn't that big. Including the waiting time in front of and in the tent, taking personal data, explaining the QR codes to receive the test results and handing in the saliva sample, my stay only lasted roughly 10 minutes. To enter, I just had to show the red notice on my Corona warning app. And giving the saliva sample only briefly triggered a gag reflex. By the way, in my case the test is free.

Then I just had to wait for my test result. “Even on weekends, usually after 24 hours,” said the lady at the test center. But they can still be really long. In fact, my result was available after 21 hours on the Website of the Hamburg Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians published. (EDIT: In retrospect, I discovered that the results were available directly in the laboratory after just over 8 hours via another QR code. I hadn't checked because the good lady at the test center gave the impression that this would be published last .)

Covid-19 test result: negative!

I would actually have expected my test result to be visible in the Corona warning app beforehand. You will receive an extra QR code in the test center. But I'm still waiting for that. (Edit: three days after the findings were online, there is now confirmation in the app.)

Oh yes: fortunately my test result is negative. This makes it a lot easier for me and my loved one. Nevertheless, this experience shows me how important the appropriate protective measures are - for yourself and also for others. Wearing a mask and keeping your distance are really not a bad thing. Stay healthy!

Edit two weeks later: The app remains red for 14 days despite a negative test result. I find this irritating because new encounters with little potential for infection within these 14 days give the impression that I have become infected again. The window stays red and the number of encounters increases - and when the 14 days are over, everything suddenly switches to green and the number of encounters decreases by 1.

  1. Thanks for your report, Stefan. It helps the reader to prepare better mentally in case... So I'll internalize the paths to take in the event of an alarm.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you - all of us - that we hold up well.
    Greetings from the Bavarian Oberland! The Hermann

  2. Thank you very much for your report, Stefan! And how good that you got a negative test result. (I am also very cautious because of my asthma and self-employment and luckily so far I have only had “green” risk encounters…) Stay healthy! Best wishes from us, Steffi

  3. Hi,
    Three colleagues also received this message because a student tested positive. Of course, first row directly in front of the desk. The health department said it wasn't a problem since there was no intensive direct contact and a mask was always worn. The colleagues were encouraged to continue teaching as normal. A test is not necessary, even if only if there are symptoms. What is this app actually intended for?
    LG from the classroom

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