Less me, more us

For some time now, I have been annoyed by the increasing willingness to use elbows and point the finger at others. Of course I can get upset about Nahles, Merkel, Gauland, the diesel scandal and Cum-Ex. And rightly so. But cooperation begins at the tip of one's own nose. So if I could wish for something, it would be "less me, more us"!

I don't have to walk along the sidewalk in pairs and not make room when someone comes towards me with full shopping bags - even if they are walking on "my" side. As a cyclist, I don't have to cycle through a crowd of pedestrians when the pedestrian light is green, even if I'm in a hurry and no one gets hurt. As a driver, I don't have to speed past the cyclist by 50cm, even if I think the cyclist has enough space to the left. I don't have to pack my hand luggage on an airplane in such a way that no more items can fit next to it, even if I got to the gate first. Every reader will remember an experience of their own in which they were annoyed by the behavior of another person - and may have taken this as an opportunity to rethink their own actions.

Less me, more us!

If I take a look at the people around me at every possible moment, smile and hold a door open, for example, I lose nothing, but gain in togetherness. This consideration is humanity. It is the difference that makes us who we are. My perception tells me that our society has focused on "higher, faster, further" for too long. All that is left is "me, me, me". That leads me to the next train of thought.

The right of the strongest

Where does that actually come from? The right of the strongest? In my view, that is a completely illogical mantra. In case of doubt, the strongest is right anyway. Why should I reinforce that? Especially since it just leads to everyone trying to be stronger. Even more elbowing, even more "me, me, me".

We should move on to protecting the weaker! Help when the stroller needs to be lifted off the track. Take a detour if it obviously means that people with walking difficulties have a shorter route. When the yellow light is yellow, I don't drive into a busy intersection because this allows the traffic crossing the road to continue. Do you recognize the potential for a more relaxed life?

A more beautiful life begins with you. Don't wait for others to start doing it.

For some time now, I have been trying to live by the motto "less me, more us". I say it quietly to myself in some hectic moments. It calms me down. And often enough, the spark jumps over. A "thank you" or "how thoughtful" comes in response from a stranger standing next to me. And just for a brief moment, the world of two people has become more beautiful. I wish the brief moments would extend.

  1. You are absolutely right. We live in an elbow-to-elbow society that it's no longer nice. Everyone only thinks about themselves, but this only causes themselves more stress. It’s so easy to think about other people and respect them. You don't forgive yourself when you're friendly and helpful, but other people's smiles are a nice reward.

  2. Yes, that's right. The way I do it is that I try to reflect on what things bother me the most about other people. Often enough there are things I don't like about myself. So I always find it quite easily what I can do differently about myself and how I can be more equanimous towards others.

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