Hotel room photography in room 802 Hotel room photography in room 802

Hotel room photography for the Scandic Hotel

Hotel room photography is probably not the first thing you associate with me, although I have already done that for several hotels on Helgoland. Why not? It's dry, warm and there's good food - almost like wedding photography. And if you do it right, it's just as sweaty. However, the output is significantly lower. In any case, I photographed all the rooms on the eighth floor for the Scandic Hotel Emporio in Hamburg. The emotional highlight is taking photos of your own pictures in one of the rooms. And there are even two of them at the Scandic Hotel Emporio. I had that in my 2017 annual review already hinted at, now it is offizielle.

However, the hotel room photography was “only” the emotional finale. There is a great reason why my pictures are hanging there: the two upper floors of the Scandic Emporio were decorated by artists from the Millerntor Gallery designed. And since I have been associated with it for many years, I heard about the recent design of the rooms on the eighth floor in good time and took photographs of the creation of the works of art.

The Scandic Hotel Emporio has designed the website for the rooms very lovingly implemented. There is further information about all artists and of course links to their websites. Relevant information is also hanging in the rooms.

Speaking of the rooms: it wasn't that easy to photograph the hotel rooms. Each room has a different layout, no two are alike. In addition, some artists had made the design of the walls particularly difficult for the photographer and painted, sprayed, brushed on opposite walls... Have you ever tried to capture opposite walls in a picture? By the way, I took the hotel room photography with him 15mm lens from Voigtländer* accomplished. With the 3 version of the lens you get a small super wide angle without CAs and big distortion - and you don't need a great starting aperture anyway: I mostly took photos with apertures of 8 to 11. Of course the portraits weren’t created with that… 😉

Conclusion: take a look Scandic Hotel on the website and check out my excursion into hotel room photography…

  1. Hi Stefan,

    Thank you for the colorful impressions from the Scandic Hotel. I saw the finished pictures on the hotel website.
    Do you have a special workflow for hotel room photography? Everything still looks very natural.

    Many greetings from Karlsruhe

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