I recently noticed that I took a lot of portraits in 2016 that I haven't shown here on my blog yet. Time to catch up on this. So I went through all my pictures again and picked out my 28 favorite pictures of people for you. I skipped the photos that I already showed here: for example this one Team photos of the first women, Picture by Björnto pay more attention to the Advisory Board of the Millerntor Gallery #6, my travel friends in Ugandathe Artists from the Millerntor Gallery or Musician Dodo in Kathmandu.
The portraits shown in this blog post were mostly created spontaneously, in a few seconds and yet planned; for some, the communication difficulties were too great to even exchange a name. I have to get better at that.
Incidentally, only two of the portraits have been retouched. And only a single image The series was created with a Nikon - and also with the Crop D500. I'll probably only photograph sports with this brand in 2017. Four of the images shown were photographed analogue. If you look at the photos linked above, you will see many other analog portraits. For 2017, I plan to photograph significantly more people with my analogue cameras.
I took most of the pictures with the Leica in 2016. It's no wonder that the majority of the selected images were taken with this camera. Can you discover the 8 pictures that were taken with the Nocti?
Of course I also have a lot in 2016 analogous photographed, but here have ich in with 366 Series always lots of Portraits they . So here as new pictures are the first picture on 4×5 sheet film, two ectar pictures that couldn't be more different and the picture of the most wonderful wife I could only wish for - photographed with the Mamiya 7.
Overall, 2016 showed its good side, but that doesn't mean that there isn't still room for improvement.
2017 continued pretty analogously: party pictures with a Mamiya 7 and the first business portraits on film. But I’ll report on that next year 🙂
Really great pictures!
We ❤ SG
Very nice, Stefan Groenveld! Class !
Really great photos, my dear!
Great pictures
Me too, although my portrait is only from behind ;-(
That's how I like to see you 😀
THANK YOU Stefan for your outstanding skills & your unmistakable talent! Your humanity & your photographer existence!!!!
I am a “first”! Yeah! 🙂
Strong portraits!
A great “first”. Thanks for your input.
Top! How do you get such beautiful colors? 🙂
No Lightroom, no vsco 😉
Mysterious… 😉
Very good, empathetic photos.
Cool pictures. Why do you write letters to Santa Claus when he has a cell phone?
Great pictures!
Awesome and "different" pictures. Thanks for not calling them "headshots"!
Haha 🙂 Thanks!
Is it disparaging to your favorite camera if I say that I can't tell which camera was used for what? I just notice that you don't photograph as narrowly as you used to and prefer to use a wide open aperture. The quality of the pictures is, as usual, Grönilike.
The camera is just a tool.
Great portraits! You can see in the pictures that your interest is in people at the moment you take them.
thank you for your great words...
Wow, beautiful portraits! People really seem individual <3
Really good! Portraits that speak!
Wow! What a series! Through the eyes of the people portrayed you can see what a fantastic job you have done here!
Nice job! I tend to like environmental portraits the most. Cheers, M
It's a shame that too many of the "models" have too few reflections of light in their eyes, which is what gives the person life in the first place. The contrasts are too harsh, and black and white does not make art. My first art director (Alexander Schumacher, now deceased) would have said: "What am I supposed to do with this crap?"
What I mean (not mine):
or something like this (it's mine):
or something like this (also mine):
Where do you learn these basic elements? For example with Albert Watson
Unfortunately he dies soon too...
You should avoid the adulation of the amateurs present, they make you believe you have the skills you would like to have.
Thank you for your effort in helping me! There are hardly any studio recordings in this blog post, but I know what your criticism is aimed at.
Your pictures are very nice… LG Ronny
Really very nice pictures!
Hello Stefan 🙂
Really very nice portraits 😀 you can take some great ideas with you!
Thank you for that and please keep it up
Hey Stefan,
Your portraits are really uniquely beautiful. Perfect for coming up with new ideas and creating your own portraits.
I would be happy if new works came from you this year too.
Thank you!
Just take a look http://www.groenveld.de over - there is always something new.