December, 24th – Day 366 of 366
One year ago a journey started which ends today. These are the cameras I used mainly for my 366 project over the year…
front row: Olympus Pen EE, Nikon Ti35, Leica M3, Nikon FM2
middle row: Leica M4, Hasselblad XPan, Mamiya 645 1000s
last row: Linhof Super Technica V, Mamiya 7II, Fuji GW690, Rollei SL66, Polaroid conversion
Not in the picture: Mamiya C3 (sold), Fuji X70 (sold) and the camera I did this picture with: Leica M (Type 240)
In 2017 I will sell some of the cameras. If you're interested, drop me a line…
It was a great visual pleasure following you and your photos in 2016.
THANK YOU for a great photographic year!
Congratulations on the successful completion of the project
Just nice cameras. Absolutely no nonsense there. <3
Thanks – I’ll still sell some in 2017. 🙂
Reasonable. They have to be used and you can't use that much.
which one/price?
Linhof, Fuji, Mamiya?
Jörg Carstensen Fuji definitely. Send me a PM 😉
It was a nice year with your photos. Gonna miss it. I like the photos with the Mamiya 7ll best 😉
Congratulations… just great.
talk about camera porn………………;)
No, no, I used them all 😉
GW690 <3
Wow and hats off to you for this wonderful project. Congratulations!
Fuji 6×9 🙂 … I just dug the lady out … #mustagain
You help me seem 'normal'.
Yay, my life has meaning 🙂
Let me know if you sell the 35Ti 😉
Unfortunately this camera doesn't work anymore 🙁
Stefan Groenveld Booooo :((( .. sorry to hear that
It's great that you went through with it, it's a shame it's over, but I'm sure something else exciting will come in 2017 :-). Happy New Year!
I hope you come by sometime...
Stefan Groenveld You're welcome :-), the new year is perfect for that :-). I'll get back to you.
Thank you for the many unique pictures… It was a great campaign, I enjoyed it every day <3