For the next three days, the Millerntor will be dedicated to art: the Millerntor Gallery is in its fourth edition Open from May 29th to 31st in the south and main stands and presents contemporary art in an unusual environment for the benefit of Viva con Agua out of. Thanks to a vote on Facebook and winning third place there, I can do it this time too express my support with a picture.
Yesterday was the pre-opening with the traditional auction of many great works, which raised a mid-five-figure donation amount for new wells and thus access to clean drinking water in Africa.
The auction itself was very entertaining, also because some people were confused by the hand gestures. Someone initially just wanted to ask for a louder volume and promptly bought a picture for €400 - which he paid with a smile. A person next to me arrived much later and waved to someone on the other side. I quickly told him: "don't wave", but by then he had already increased the current bid to €2900. But he was outbid shortly afterwards. We both laughed.
What I found particularly remarkable was that many press photographers took Mr. Tim Mälzer into the storm of flashes, while two meters away a certain Mr. Grönemeyer was able to walk along completely unmolested.
If you go to the Millerntor Gallery in the evening, you should definitely try to get a look at the back straight. This looks thanks to a special projection technology and the wonderful portraits of Jens Herrndorf looks really wonderful.
In my opinion, a visit to the Millerntor Gallery is worth it and you'll also do good by doing it...
I'm really looking forward to it! I'll come over tomorrow.
Great job!!!!
It was nice yesterday!! 🙂
Saturday I'll get sparkling eyes...
...and where is it hanging now? 😉
On the main, just before the end 🙂