Daniel Ginczek and Fin Bartels Daniel Ginczek and Fin Bartels

Triple goalscorer

I know – no one is really interested in the last game of the 2012/13 season at Millerntor at home anymore. At least not the actual course of the game, because what happened around it was ultimately the emotional highlight. I'll be honest: I haven't gotten around to processing it all yet. That's why I'm only showing you one picture today, but the picture of the three goalscorers, who played a significant role in the fact that there was only celebration after the end of the game.

In any case, I'm now looking forward to the train ride to Kaiserslautern.

  1. Haha! And yet, of course, the course of the game is interesting! Otherwise you wouldn't know that the football gods included goals from Bruuuuuns and Ebbe in this super cheesy season finale a'la Rosamunde Pilcher. Unbelievable, tears still come to my eyes when I think about yesterday... HACH!

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