
The last three days I was there with two photography friends Paris and got to know this city a little bit. It will take a few more days until I get it Processed impressions and viewed the pictures have. I'll give you a little teaser today anyway. For once, a small video, shot with the iPhone and the app CPPro, on one of our numerous Metro-trips. I would like to have music like that in the HVV...

And then I have another picture here. When I passed this scene on my way to the grave of Jim Morrison - who died 31 years ago in Paris - I had to stop immediately Jay Maisel think. This wonderful New York photographer already has me brought up some ideas. That was the case this time too, because I remembered that he liked it people playing through broken fences photographed - when Jay Maisel does it, it creates interesting structures. I didn't have a defective fence, but I did have a manual telephoto on hand. I also didn't want structure, I wanted one Capture game scene. Although I have a little experience with sports photography, photographing uncontrollably moving objects is a challenge Zeiss Macro-Planar T* 100mm f/2 A challenge without autofocus and with the aperture open. At least if, as mentioned, you really want to photograph a game scene. It's me gelungen, at the first Attempt - many subsequent attempts are nowhere near this quality.

It's moments like these that make me like to pick up the camera. Waiting for minutes for the right moment. Like a little predator. A little personal moment of happiness, which I would like to share with you.

Oh yes: I almost missed the closing times of the cemetery with Jim Morrison's final resting place.

  1. Oh dear, brass music in the metro and there's no escape for minutes 😉

    I like the picture, you captured a beautiful scene there. But my gaze doesn't just stay on the boys, because I'm magically drawn to the fact that the vertical struts are repeated in the balcony parapets of the houses behind them. Cool side effect!

  2. The music is of course really horrible. Are the subways still so dirty? I was in Paris a few years ago and I always find it remarkable how dirty the trains in the big cities are. New York is also such a candidate. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to the photos. Paris is otherwise a beautiful city with great people.

    1. I find New York's trains much dirtier. In Paris it bothered me very, very little.
      By the way, I think the music is really great and most of my fellow travelers probably liked it too.

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