iPhone – Image: Mailcheck

Did I already say that the new camera in the iPhone 4s is really great? Yes, I had : )

As an “always-on camera” it is certainly a good alternative. And there are now even people who Comparison tests with Nex-7 and X100 make. Or that Video quality with a Canon 5d to compare.

Of course, it is also clear that the small sensor only allows a large sharpness range and will have problems in poor lighting conditions. There is also only one automatic mode, the settings for exposure time and aperture cannot be influenced. The cameras mentioned above – and many others – offer completely different possibilities for creative work. But hey – it's a phone...

  1. Have you tried Camera+? Small app with a big impact. For example, you can separate the focus and exposure measuring areas from each other. Great toy!

  2. Do you know a photographer who offers special practical workshops for the “always there camera” in Hamburg? Looking for a gift for someone 🙂

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