Book presentation: Portrait Retouching

This week is review week. After I had one yesterday variable gray filter presented Today I'm reporting on a book. And tomorrow… – but more on that tomorrow.

Fortunately, Scott Kelby's latest book with the cumbersome title "Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers Using Photoshop" is not nearly as complicated as the title suggests. Scott Kelby simply wants to avoid having false expectations of a retouching book. Retouching portraits with Photoshop is an extremely complex topic. The book clearly shows basic optimizations that are easy to use and explains them step by step.

Each chapter focuses on a part of the body and shows various possible applications: eyes, skin, facial contours, hair, lips and body shape. It's not about turning Mrs Hyde into Mrs. Jekylla (scnr!), but rather it's mainly about very subtle, slight adaptations to nature. And yes, there are examples of male portraits too.

In my opinion, the approximately 350-page book is suitable for advanced beginners in Photoshop, as the basic use of Photoshop is required. Nevertheless, the reference work is written in an easy-to-understand manner. Overall, there is little new in the book; anyone who searches the internet will find all the tips - but I can recommend it as a compendium for beginners. And I think the price is really fair for such a work.

A little tip: around 10% of the book is there on Amazon in the book preview.

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